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About us

We are a ransomed people of God seeking to multiply Spirit-empowered mature disciples of Jesus to the glory of God. 

The Gospel

The holy triune God created everything very good including people that He made male and female in His image. The first created people including every person since have committed high treason against God in their rebellion and sin against His perfect moral law of love and now deserve death and eternal punishment. God in His love sent Jesus Christ, God the Son, to become truly man being born of the virgin Mary in accordance with prophecy. Jesus lived a sinless life in perfect obedience to God's law of love. Then Jesus was crucified and died on a Roman cross to make a sacrificial payment for sin absorbing the full wrath of God. Three days later Jesus literally, bodily, and historically rose from the dead. Now every sinful person that repents and believes in Jesus will be forgiven of the evils they have done, adopted to become a child of God, and given the Holy Spirit to indwell them as a down payment of future glory in the presence of God where one finds full and eternal joy.



Our Values

God-Centered Worship

God is the most holy, powerful, wise, good, just, loving, and perfect being in the universe. God is one being eternally existing in three persons the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God's glory is His own and He would never give it to us or anyone else. This is good because He is the only one worthy of our worship. We seek to know God for who He's revealed Himself to be in Scripture, enjoy God in worship, and serve God in our homes, work, church, and communities. As a God-Centered people we make prayer a priority. 

Biblical Authority

We believe the Bible is truly the Word of God to the world and His people. Therefore, the Bible is our highest authority through which we come to know God's nature, character, and plan for this world and His people. We seek to faithfully preach and teach the contents in a way that is faithful to the Bible's message and engaging to our community.  

Humble Holiness

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. As we walk with God we are transformed by His Word, His Spirit, and the gift of the people of God. We seek to become holy or live a set apart life because God is holy. The pursuit of holiness must be grounded in humility and never lead to pride.

Sacrificial Love

The reason we exist as a church today is because of the power of the gospel and the grace of God. We are convinced that the gospel has broken down the walls of hostility between people of all ages and ethnicities so that united to Jesus, we become a family. Not only that, when we understand how good God has been to us in Jesus Christ, we are motivated to love one another sacrificially. The heartbeat of being a biblical community lies in people experiencing the love of God and extending that same love to one another. 

Courageous Faith

The Bible teaches that the righteous shall live by faith. We simply trust in God through His Word and live in accordance with His promises. We trust in the goodness, power, and wisdom of God and live for Him. Living for Him takes courage since it is counter to the world we live in. 

Bold Witness

God loves the world and deeply desires for people to come into a saving relationship with Himself through the work of Jesus Christ's life, death, resurrection, and ascension. God has given the local church the task of showing His grace to people that don't know Him. Our aim is to in love proclaim this message of salvation in our preaching, conversations, and community to God's glory. 

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